Voice of Business Blog
2023 Local and National Benefits Survey Now Available
The results of the 2023 Local and National Benefits Survey were recently released. This survey contains the policies and practices sections of the former Policies and Benefits Survey which includes topics such as: pay practices, paid time off, recruitment, training and development, employee/community relations, and workplace policies.
Data was collected a few short months ago in September/October 2022 and is reported out by employee categories: (U) Union Production, Maintenance and Service, (NU) Non-Union Production, Maintenance and Service, (CT) Non-Exempt Clerical and Technical, (SMP) Exempt Supervisory, Managerial and Professional, as well as by employer size.
Coordinated by HR Source, 1,222 organizations participated through 12 co-sponsors across the country. The co-sponsors are members of the Employer Associations of America (EAA). For the Rochester area, 123 Corporate and Partner members of Greater Rochester Chamber participated in the survey.
Greater Rochester Chamber member participants were sent an email on March 28 with a complimentary copy of the results. Corporate and Partner members that did not participate as well as other member tiers and nonmembers can purchase these valuable results by completing the survey order form. Please contact Kathy Richmond at (585) 256-4618 or Jennifer Suppé at (585) 256-4608 if you have any questions, or to request a resend of the complimentary results (member participants in good standing only).
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