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Voice of Business Blog

Advocating for Improved Medicaid Reimbursement Rates: Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce Stands with the Alliance for Senior Care

August 4, 2023

Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce is proud to have been part of an impactful meeting with a delegation of Greater Rochester’s State and Federal legislators  on Thursday, August 3, 2023, hosted by the Senior Healthcare Alliance. This meeting, which took place at Jewish Senior Life, allowed us to express our gratitude to government officials for their support in increasing Medicaid reimbursement rates to New York State's long-term care facilities. It also provided an opportunity to discuss further strategies going into the next legislative session.

The Senior Healthcare Alliance, a consortium of five not-for-profit skilled nursing facilities in Greater Rochester, has been a driving force in advocating for improved Medicaid rates. Comprising Episcopal SeniorLife Communities, Friendly Senior Living, Jewish Senior Life, St. Ann's Community, and St. John's, this effort has made a significant impact on over 10,000 Elders and families they serve.

During the last legislative session in Albany, the Senior Healthcare Alliance, together with support from Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce, worked tirelessly to address challenges faced by nursing homes. Rising care costs, regulatory requirements, and a shortage of healthcare workers presented significant obstacles. Despite a 15-year absence of rate increases, our advocacy efforts have been fruitful, resulting in a 7.5% Medicaid increase in the 2023-2024 NYS budget.

“We’re extremely grateful that Bob Duffy and his Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce team could bring all of us together to personally thank our local legislators and representatives for their continued support,” says Glen Cooper, Chair of the Alliance for Senior Care and President and CEO of Friendly Senior Living. Cooper continues, “I also want to thank our fellow Alliance members—Episcopal SeniorLife Communities, Jewish Senior Life, St. Ann’s Community, and St. John’s—for their continued advocacy work throughout the past year."

While the increased Medicaid reimbursement rate is a step in the right direction, there is more work to be done. We remain committed to continued advocacy around closing gaps in funding to ensure access to quality care for our senior community.


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