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MicroEra Power Selected for U.S. Department of Energy SBIR Grant

October 11, 2023

MicroEra Power is developing a critical thermal energy storage solution in support of building electrification of heat and the transition to a renewable-intensive grid. We are pleased to announce selection by the U.S. Dept. of Energy for a prestigious Phase2 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant which supports a fielded demonstration of our technology on a college campus.

Our responsive energy storage, coupled with grid-interactive software supports decarbonization of HVAC for C&I buildings, improving chiller and heat pump efficiency by 20%. For geothermal developers of campus/district systems, we enable a 70% reduction in the ground loop size, thus bringing heating and cooling benefits at an approachable price point and reduced footprint.

Next steps: Capital raise to support the business development keeping pace with the technology innovations and traction! Seeking early adopters for fielded demonstration in multi-family and office buildings, whether retrofits or new-builds.


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