Geared for Growth: Evolution Marketing Powers Growth for Clients in Greater Rochester

Evolution Marketing is a full-service advertising agency in Greater Rochester that is using its reputation to grow and help all kinds of clients around the region reach their business goals. CEO Mitch Laclair was featured on Geared for Growth on Wednesday, December 20th as part of Greater Rochester Chamber’s ongoing partnership with 13WHAM/Fox Rochester. Laclair shared the company’s history and how it got started, what types of services it provides to clients, and the unique differentiators that will help it continue to grow moving forward.
Evolution Marketing was founded in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. After spending 20 years building a
career working in media buying, Laclair shifted his priorities to allow to spend more time with his family. “I’m home a lot more than I used to be. The pandemic really changed a lot for all of us, and it allowed me to see that opportunity that was missing from seeing my daughters on a daily basis,” Mitch explained.
His partner, Sam Pizzo, brings a strong background in web design and optimization to the firm, which allows the organization to be a full-service agency with strengths in all areas of digital advertising. Laclair shared that the community has really responded to their offerings and business, having earned revenue in the seven-figures in their first year in business and experiencing 50% year-over-year growth in the subsequent three years, employing 18 people, and bringing on new clients and opportunities each month.
When asked how the organization gained the traction and momentum to pick up so many clients in their short history, Mitch explained how it comes down to the people. Laclair and Pizzo both have a vast network of relationships to organizations from their previous careers prior to Evolution. Additionally, he explained that “[their] reputation stands for itself. That really does fuel growth; when people talk positively about you, other people want to join in.” He went on to explain that their relationship with their clients was a true partnership, with regular meetings to help understand their struggles and issues so that they can better help be a growth engine.
To hear more exciting growth stories from Greater Rochester Chamber members, tune in to FOX Rochester every Wednesday morning at 8:45 AM so you don’t miss any segments of Geared for Growth!