Voice of Business Blog
FuzeHub’s Manufacturing Grants Available for Collaboration between Not-For-Profits and Manufacturing Companies in New York State
As part of the Jeff Lawrence Innovation Fund, FuzeHub’s Manufacturing Grants are designed to encourage collaboration between not-for-profit organizations and small to medium-sized manufacturing companies in New York State. The partnership created with the not-for-profit organization serves as a pathway to technology transfer, adoption and implementation of new manufacturing processes, as well as the creation of enhanced products and services, and help manufacturing companies achieve success from early stage, proof of concept through maturity.
The U.S. Economic Development Administration is now providing additional support to FuzeHub’s Manufacturing Grants program, with a focus on projects that benefit start-up companies. As a result, at least four awards in this round will be made for projects benefiting start-up companies; of those, at least 2 awards will be made to projects that exclude the purchase of equipment (see Guidelines for details). Up to three awards will be made to projects that benefit eligible companies of any stage of maturity, and equipment costs are eligible under those awards.
Program Goals
To identify innovative projects that support the collaboration of not-for-profit organizations and New York State small to medium-sized manufacturers, leading to the creation of valuable economic impacts in our communities, and the growth of New York’s manufacturing sector.
Available Funding
Individual grants will not exceed $65,000. The number of awards made may vary by funding round depending on other uses of the Fund and the quality of applications received. FuzeHub maintains the right to award less than is being requested.
NEW FOR 2024
We raised the cap on individual awards and revamped the application process to include a video submission showcasing your project. Check the guidelines to learn the details.
Manufacturing Grants - Round 1
Awards up to $65K Each | Deadline to Apply is February 14, 2024
Click here for more information about eligibility and applications.
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