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Voice of Business Blog

Top 5 Reasons to Get Involved in ROC Exploration Weekend

July 15, 2024

Greater Rochester Chamber’s CampusROC program invites you to ROC Exploration Weekend from September 13-15 in Downtown Rochester. This weekend is designed to engage college students and the broader community with opportunities for fun exploration, networking, and discovery. Join us to showcase why Rochester is the perfect place for the next generation to live, work, and play.

  1. Connect With Top Talent at the Career Fair

One of the event's highlights is the career fair, where students can meet with local businesses and explore potential career paths. As a sponsor, you'll have a spot at the fair to connect directly with students seeking internships, micro-internships, co-ops, and full-time roles. Greater Rochester's world-renowned colleges and universities cultivate top-tier talent across all industries, offering you a unique opportunity to enrich your team with the brightest minds ready to make a difference. Participation in the career fair is also available without sponsorship, with a fee for tabling.

  1. Exclusive Happy Hour for Top Sponsors

Kick off the weekend with an exclusive happy hour on Friday, September 13, dedicated to our sponsors. This gathering offers a unique opportunity to network with our employer, higher ed, and corporate partners. It's the perfect setting to build meaningful connections and discuss potential collaborations in a relaxed atmosphere.

  1. Showcase Your Workplace with Company Tours

Participate by offering company tours, allowing students to see your workplace firsthand. These tours give participants a behind-the-scenes look at your operations, helping them envision themselves as part of your team. By opening your doors, you’ll inspire excitement and interest, making it easier to attract top-tier talent eager to start their careers in Rochester.

  1. Elevate Your Community Impact

By sponsoring this event, you're not just gaining visibility; you're showing your commitment to the Rochester community. Your support helps create a welcoming environment that encourages students to stay and build their futures here. You will be prominently featured in our marketing materials, social media, and at the event, highlighting your role in making this event possible.

  1. Boost Your Brand Visibility

ROC Exploration Weekend offers the opportunity to connect with college students, a powerful new market for your business. Even if you're not currently hiring, engaging with young talent can foster brand loyalty and future partnerships. As a sponsor, you'll gain exposure through our marketing channels and at the event, positioning your company as a forward-thinking leader in Rochester's community and beyond.

We invite you to be a part of this transformative weekend. By supporting this event, you help foster an environment where young professionals are motivated to thrive, contributing to the vibrancy and growth of our region. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please see our 2024 Sponsor Opportunities booklet or contact Talent Strategy Program Manager Andrea Tuttle at

Let's work together to create a memorable and impactful ROC Exploration Weekend!


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