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Voice of Business Blog

5 Reasons Why Local and State Elections Matter

September 10, 2024

Voting in elections is a fundamental right and gives you the power to help create meaningful changes. Federal races including the presidency and seats in Congress are generally well understood and receive the majority of public attention, however, there are many other races for local and State office, which have equally if not more impact on our everyday lives and often do not receive the same attention. Keep reading to learn more about some of the ways that local and state elections matter to our communities:


1. Shape the future of issues directly issuing our community

State and local legislators can make direct changes on the issues that matter most to our community. Important conversations around funding education, healthcare, public safety efforts, and economic development take place right here with a specific focus on the nuances of the issues in our community. Voting for candidates that represent your interests locally through City and County legislatures, and in Albany where statewide reforms are passed is a meaningful way to make a difference on the issues you’re passionate about in your everyday life.

2. Help control where your tax dollars go

Local and state elections allow you to have a voice in where your tax dollars are allocated to prioritize projects and initiatives that matter most to you. By ensuring that you’re well-versed on the issues and candidates’ key priorities for funding projects and initiatives in our community, you can vote to get public projects supported by your tax contributions.

3. Impact on other public officials

Candidates directly on the ballot are not the only politicians that can gain power after elections. Elected leaders can appoint public officers who also play a critical role in our region, including department heads, enforcement officials, and members of other boards such as planning boards and zoning boards of appeals. Because of this, voting for candidates that are important to you can help shape the whole government to better represent what you want to see in the community.

4. Local elections get less attention

It’s important to take a vested interest in local elections in order to combat the lack of information available surrounding these crucial races. Due to the limited media attention these races receive, voters must do independent research into candidates and their positions to ensure they vote with their best interests in mind on Election Day.

5. Each vote carries more weight

Historically, local elections face much lower voter turnout than federal races. This, combined with the smaller pool of eligible voters in individual communities as compared to the entire country means that each individual vote in local and state elections means more. With fewer voters participating, margins can be thin and a single vote can be the decision maker on who gets elected.


This year, on November 5th, 2024, show up to vote and make a difference in our community. Learn more about the races on this year’s ballot and the importance of voting at


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