Registration Now Open for the First Virtual-Only HR Professional Forum – Starts January 21st!
Last month, we opened registration for our popular HR Professional Forum and reached capacity in just a few days. This also happened with our Sr. HR Executive Forums. It's a great 'problem' to have!
Due to the overwhelming interest, we are planning to launch a separate ‘virtual only’ HR Professional Forum later this month to offer an alternative to those who were interested but weren't able to register before we reached capacity. Similar to our other forums, the meeting format will consist of both roundtable discussions, which provide invaluable opportunities for networking and discussion of critical HR issues impacting the success of your organization, as well as presentations by attorneys and HR consultants on trending topics.
The virtual Forum will meet monthly from January – May. These meetings will take place on the third Tuesday of each month from 8:00–9:30a.m. Tentative dates are: January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15 or 22, and May 20. The cost to register for the forum series will be $135.
To help ensure everyone has an opportunity to share and engage in each meeting, space will be limited to the first 30 people to respond. To enhance the overall experience for everyone, all attendees will be asked to be on camera for each meeting.
Experienced HR professionals at Corporate and Partner member organizations that are interested in participating in the forum are asked to email Jennifer Suppe, MSHRD, PHR, SHRM-CP, Manager of Organizational Culture and HR Services, no later than Tuesday, January 14 to secure your spot or to inquire further. The qualifications of those who register will be reviewed to ensure the level of expertise is commensurate with the group.
More exciting news...we are in the planning stages for a new Recruitment Forum which we expect to launch in March 2025. Kathy Richmond will be sharing more details on registration in the coming weeks via Voice of Business. Stay tuned!
We look forward to hearing from you and we will be exploring more ways we can continue to create valuable opportunities for HR professionals in 2025 and beyond!