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Voice of Business Blog

Missed the Initial Sign up? There’s Still Time to Participate in the 2025 Wage Surveys!

Don't be saddled with FOMO (fear of missing out) because your company missed the opportunity to sign up to participate in 1st quarter surveys and receive complimentary pay data as a participant! There's no time like the present to sign up and there is plenty of time left to participate.

Corporate and Partner members that participate automatically receive complimentary results when released, as a benefit of membership (membership must be current). Below is a list of surveys in progress now along with deadlines and results release dates:

  • The National Executive Compensation Survey covers compensation and perquisites for 48 key executive positions. Initial deadline Feb. 14. Results to be released in late May/early June.
  • The local Annual Wage and Salary Surveys provide Rochester-area wage and salary data. There are approximately 300 jobs across four local surveys include Nonexempt, Professional/Managerial, Manufacturing, and Health & Human Services. Initial deadline Feb. 13. Results to be released in mid-April.
  • The Turnover and Absenteeism Survey gathers data on turnover statistics and absenteeism rates for calendar year 2024. Initial deadline Feb. 18. Results to be released end of March.

There is still time to participate in all of these surveys and we have flexibility on most deadlines. If you are a Corporate or Partner member and would like to participate, or if you have any questions, please contact Kathy Richmond at (585) 256-4618 or Cindy Miller at (585) 256-4606.

Click here to view and print the 2025 Greater Rochester Chamber benchmarking survey calendar which displays the timing of each survey and has more detailed descriptions of 1st quarter surveys as well as summer surveys.

Interested in purchasing one or more surveys for internal benchmarking use now? Click here to download an order form. Members and nonmembers are welcome to purchase a copy of one or more surveys. HR consultants are also eligible to purchase one or more surveys with pricing based on membership tier.  Please contact Kathy to request a consultant order form.

As a reminder, only Corporate and Partner members are eligible to participate in Greater Rochester Chamber benchmarking surveys. To discuss options for upgrading membership, or joining Greater Rochester Chamber, so that your company may participate in the various HR benchmarking surveys, please contact Kevin Donahue in membership at (585) 256-4651.


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