Voice of Business Blog On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, Congressman Joe Morelle engaged in a Greater Rochester Chamber Policy Matters webinar to discuss the NY SMART I-Corridor-a groundbreaking initiative with the potential to transform the Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse region’s economic landscape. During this hour-long virtual session with over 100 members, Congressman Morelle shed light on the origins,…
Voice of Business Blog Hey Greater Rochester Chamber Members! Do you love Greater ROC? We’ve got your access for an exclusive trial of Greater ROC swag. Be among the first to showcase community pride with stylish official Greater ROC shirts and hats, coming soon to a retail location near you. We’ve set up a pre-order…
Voice of Business Blog Greater Rochester Chamber’s Talent Strategy Partner Melanie DellaPietra presented at DisruptHR Capital Region 3.0 this September to share how remote work can be a transformative tool to create a more inclusive and empowering society for us all. This is an important message she has learned through managing our Greater ROC Remote…
Voice of Business Blog Greater Rochester Chamber offers a number of training opportunities through our Chamber Academy and we are excited to share new opportunities in 2024. Starting in January, we are adding new courses and debuting a new updated curriculum for several others. This exciting refresh for Chamber Academy’s offering is creating new opportunities…
Voice of Business Blog Greater Rochester Chamber members are encouraged to make their voices heard in our community. The Partnership for Downtown Rochester (PDR) has released a draft district plan for a potential Downtown Rochester Business Improvement District (BID) and are seeking community input at an open house on Wednesday, December 13th from 5:00 PM…
Voice of Business Blog Watch Conifer Realty’s“Geared for Growth” Interview Conifer Realty LLC owns over 15,000 apartment homes throughout the country and takes a residents-first approach to their communities, looking to provide homes, not just houses. Chief Administrative Officer, Barb Ross and Senior Vice President of Development Operations, Lisa Kaseman were featured on “Geared for…
Voice of Business Blog For those members who have been utilizing the Mineral compliance portal, we have made the difficult decision to end the relationship effective December 31, 2023 due to a substantial price increase and one we were not willing to pass on to members. Important: Any members who have employee handbooks they…