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Voice of Business Blog

Leaders: Create Purpose & Meaning

May 10, 2022

Voice of Business Blog By Bob Whipple MBA CPLP, “The Trust Ambassador”   What can leaders do to ensure the maximum number of people have a sense of purpose and meaning in their work?  Here are a dozen ideas that can help.   Have high ethical and moral standards. Operate from a set of values…

NYS Electronic Monitoring Notice Requirements – Are You Prepared?

May 3, 2022

Voice of Business Blog On November 8, 2021, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed an amendment to the New York Civil Rights Law which requires employers to provide an electronic monitoring notice to employees. This law is scheduled to go into effect on May 7, 2022. To date, NYS has not provided further guidance or…

2022 Annual Wage and Salary Benchmarking Surveys Released

April 26, 2022

Voice of Business Blog Greater Rochester Chamber has released its 2022 Annual Wage and Salary Surveys. The surveys report local wage data on close to 300 jobs, including those in administration, finance, human resources, information technology, customer service, sales and marketing, health care, and manufacturing. These surveys are a valuable benchmarking tool to help employers…

US DOL Wage and Hour Division Guidance on H-2B Visa Program

April 19, 2022

Voice of Business Blog The US DOL Wage and Hour Division has undertaken important steps toward safeguarding the rights of U.S. and H-2B workers through the H-2B visa program. To ensure that workers know their rights and employers know their obligations, WHD is providing these resources:   Field Assistance Bulletin 2022-3: Employment in Unapproved Job…

NYS Senator Cooney & NYS Assemblywoman Lupardo Announce Cannabis Tax Deduction Bill’s Passage in Final New York State Budget

April 19, 2022

Chamber News Release (ALBANY, NY) – Senator Jeremy Cooney (D-Rochester) and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Endwell) announced the inclusion of legislation to allow licensed cannabis operators to make normal business deductions in New York in the final state budget.   A8808/S7518 would amend NYS tax law to permit all licensed cannabis businesses to deduct ordinary and necessary business expenses…

Rochester Named #5 Top City for Remote Work by Ownerly

April 12, 2022

Chamber News Release Despite declining COVID-19 levels, America’s “Great Resignation” is continuing apace. While more employers bring workers back to the office as the pandemic appears to wind down, the tight labor market suggests flexible work options are here to stay. Many companies have permanently embraced remote work. Where are the best cities to live…

HR Spring Cleaning – Time to Spruce Up Your Poster Board!

April 5, 2022

Voice of Business Blog Spring has sprung and now it a great time to review your checklist to make sure your HR house is in order for the rest of the year. That includes state and federal labor law posters. One of the many benefits of Greater Rochester Chamber membership is provided by our HR…


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