Advocating for employers is our mission.
Delivering results and proving the value of your membership investment is our responsibility.
Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce has been a steadfast advocate for the local business community in Greater Rochester, working diligently during the NYS budget and legislative session to protect businesses and support the growth of our region. Our efforts as your advocacy partner have resulted in real, tangible benefits for businesses across industries and sizes throughout our region, including cost savings, streamlined operations, and a more competitive market landscape.
Our extensive work during the legislative session yielded major wins for the Greater Rochester business community. We are proud of the ways that we:
Saved Businesses Money
We opposed the "Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act” (A5322D/ S4246D) which would have a $2 billion to $3 billion adverse impact on the New York State economy.
We advocated against creating the “Bank of Rochester” (A10134/S9326) which would, if enacted, stunt tax growth in the short term, with the potential of increased taxpayer costs in the result of failure.
Our opposition to the “Prevailing Wage for Off-Site Custom Fabrication" bill (A373B/S5457B) helped construction and manufacturing firms manage labor costs and stay competitive in public project bidding.
By opposing the “NY HEAT Act” (A4592A/S2016A), we helped HVAC and construction firms avoid potential cost increases and regulatory compliance burdens, and prevented increased cost for taxpayers.
We opposed A1718C/S2127C which would have established an indirect source review for heavy distribution warehouse operations. Its impact on the cost and timetable for developing new facilities could significantly impede local economic development efforts and push growth into neighboring states.
By blocking the expanded “Bottle Bill” (A6353A/S237C), we saved retailers and distributors from financial burdens, allowing them to maintain operational efficiency and cost structures. This bill would have expanded the bottle deposit law to include a wide range of beverages, resulting in increased deposit amounts and imposed significant compliance costs.
❎ Greater Rochester Chamber successfully opposed the New York Health Act (S7590/A7897) which would have substituted health coverage in New York for a government run, single payer program costing tax payers billions of dollars.
Created Revenue Opportunities
We supported policies such as extending to-go alcohol sales and liquor sales in movie theaters, providing increased revenue opportunities for the hospitality and entertainment industries.
Managed Government Oversight
By supporting the sunsetting of the COVID-19 Sick Leave Law, we provided clarity and stability for future labor policies.
The “Bottle Bill” that we helped block would have significantly increased the compliance burden placed on supermarkets, convenience stores, and other beverage outlets.
Promoted Investments in Greater Rochester
Our advocacy helped reverse school aid reductions and expand higher education programs, ensuring a well-educated future workforce and a diverse talent pool.
We advocated for measures that enhance protection for retail employees and provide financial incentives for businesses to invest in security measures, ensuring a safer working environment.
Our opposition of A373B/S5457B, which sought to establish an indirect source review for heavy distribution warehouse operations, prevented hundreds of millions of dollars in waste that companies have already invested in building and staffing off-site custom fabrication facilities and cost thousands of people their jobs throughout NYS.
Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce is your champion and first line of defense against potentially damaging legislation, and our proactive efforts allow you to focus on growth and success. We are always working to protect and promote your business by representing your interests at the local, state, and federal levels of government. As the voice of business in Greater Rochester, we're fighting for your business behind the scenes every day.
Learn more about business advocacy:
Learn more about our efforts this session:
Hear from members we've helped:
“I became aware of the power of the advocacy arm of Greater Rochester Chamber when a carpet recycling bill making its way through the policy making process in Albany. Greater Rochester Chamber got me in front of key people in Albany to have meaningful conversations and they listened. I felt like Greater Rochester Chamber allowed me to be heard and to have an influence on the policy in the making."
Abby Reinhard, President and CEO, GP Flooring Solutions

“[Our experience advocating with Greater Rochester Chamber] has been extremely helpful, both in getting to know the New York State government and also getting them to know Wegmans and what we’re all about, including what our priorities are.”
Deana Percassi, Director of Public Relations, Wegmans Food Markets