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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Accepting Applications for Citizens Awards

Voice of Business Blog U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Accepting Applications for Citizens Awards date May 7, 2024 tags Voice of Business Blog The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is now accepting awards for its 25th annual Corporate Citizenship Awards. For 25 years, the Citizens Awards have highlighted how businesses serve as a force for…

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Legislative Update: What’s Being Done About the Benefits Cliff in NYS

Voice of Business Blog Legislative Update: What’s Being Done About the Benefits Cliff in NYS date May 7, 2024 tags Voice of Business Blog New York State spends billions of dollars on public assistance programs that inadvertently trap millions of people in poverty through a phenomenon known as the Benefits Cliff. It’s time to address…

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Greater Rochester Chamber staff members win leadership awards

Voice of Business Blog Greater Rochester Chamber staff members win leadership awards date May 7, 2024 tags Voice of Business Blog This week, Greater Rochester Chamber staff members Marc Cohen and Melanie DellaPietra were honored with the SUNY Albany Rockefeller College 10 Under 10 alumni award and the Rochester Professional Consultants Network Entrepreneurs Wall of…

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Representatives Michelle Steel (R-CA) and Joe Morelle (D-NY) introduce the Growing and Preserving Innovation in America Act

Voice of Business Blog Representatives Michelle Steel (R-CA) and Joe Morelle (D-NY) introduce the Growing and Preserving Innovation in America Act date May 6, 2024 tags Advocacy & Policy, Voice of Business Blog In a bid to safeguard America’s innovation edge, Representatives Michelle Steel (R-CA) and Joe Morelle (D-NY) have introduced the Growing and Preserving…

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WCI Realty: Commercial properties for sale this spring in Greater Rochester

Voice of Business Blog WCI Realty: Commercial properties for sale this spring in Greater Rochester date May 6, 2024 tags Member Post, Voice of Business Blog Guest post from Greater Rochester Chamber member WCI Properties Whether you’re looking to expand your business, start a new venture, or invest in real estate, WCI Realty has promising…

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Rochester Technology Manufacturing Association hosts first-ever Youth Apprenticeship Week

Voice of Business Blog Rochester Technology Manufacturing Association hosts first-ever Youth Apprenticeship Week date May 3, 2024 tags Talent Strategy, Voice of Business Blog The week of May 6th, the Rochester Technology Manufacturing Association (RTMA) is participating in its first-ever National Youth Apprenticeship Week! It will be an action-packed week filled with webinars, facility tours,…

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Rochester Total Eclipse Task Force seeking input on Relationships Survey

Voice of Business Blog Rochester Total Eclipse Task Force seeking input on Relationships Survey date May 3, 2024 tags Voice of Business Blog The Rochester Eclipse Task Force helped many new relationships form in our community, and we consider this to be one of the most valuable legacies of our work. But the task force needs…

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